

Comprehensive viewership and ad analytics platform
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All content owners who deliver and monetize linear streams to OTT and Free Ad Supported TV (FAST) platforms can use this platform. Platform operators too can leverage the intuitive dashboard to view detailed analytics on viewership and ad monetization operations.

You can access viewership metrics including unique, total, and average sessions to get precise data on viewer behavior in different platforms, channels, regions and devices. Ad Analytics feature provides data related to content monetization and ad viewing patterns of the viewers, such as total ad opportunities, ad requests, ad responses, total impressions, and conversion rates.

You can view real-time data analytics on parameters such as content viewership and ad monetization operations, including live status of concurrent users for a particular channel, region, device, and content asset among others.

You can access all the metrics for ad monetization operations and dropped ads on the platform. You can also access business-critical metrics such as ad transcoding failure, ad overflow, invalid and empty ad responses.

The dashboard shows real-time users hitting our beacons every single minute. The CCU graph shows minute-wise concurrent users’ data over a period of one hour by default, which can be changed to 12 hours or 24 hours.

You can use two standard report templates. Generate multiple reports for viewership and advertising operations to get deep insight into your global streaming operations with great emphasis on ad operation metrics.

Yes, EPG can be enabled with this platform. Users can look at content viewing behavior between the selected date range along with other selected dimensions, and access data on total and unique views and total viewing minutes for a particular content asset.

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