Industry Reports

Amagi FAST Report #10: The untapped gold mine of ad dollars

Amagi FAST Report #10: The untapped gold mine of ad dollars

As FAST grows, ad spending shifts from Pay TV to CTV

  • Uncover in-depth data on Year-over-Year growth in channel deliveries, ad impressions and Hours of Viewing (HOV)
  • Learn which genres resonate on a global and regional scale 
  • Discover what’s driving APAC and LATAM’s huge growth in ad impressions


“Consumer preferences actively steer toward streaming, free access, and a laid-back viewing experience, catalyzing remarkable growth in the FAST audience.” - Gavin Bridge, Vice President, Media Research at CRG Global and FASTMaster


Data from the January 2024 Amagi Consumer Survey reveals:

  • 61% of the respondents are willing to watch free, good-quality content in exchange for watching ads
  • 39% are OK watching 1–2 minutes of ads for every hour of content; only 12% are OK watching 5 minutes of ads per hour
  • 41% of the survey respondents prefer watching non-intrusive ads at the bottom of the screen, while 39% find personalized ads useful
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